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How to Kick Without Skretch Flexibility Without Stretching for Martial Arts

Stretch Yourself

Right Stretches for Loftier Kicks with No Warm-Up

by Thomas Kurtz, author of Stretching Scientifically and Secrets of Stretching

Read the previous installment here.

In this commodity yous will larn about the method of developing dynamic flexibility so you lot can kick loftier anytime without any warm-upwards.

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Tom Kurtz, author of Stretching Scientifically ,
kicks common cold at age 40

What deviation does it make how well you kicking if you can kick well just after warming upward?

Your kicks, similar your punches, are supposed to be your weapons—always accessible and ready. Y'all would non carry a gun disassembled, would you? You would not count on having the time to put it together while facing an attacker.

And nevertheless . . . how many people practice kicks, especially high kicks, and can't apply them right away without first warming up and stretching?

If you desire to increase the height of your kicks and to be able to reach that height with no warm-up, you need to develop the right kind of flexibility—dynamic flexibility. Dynamic flexibility is the ability to perform dynamic movements inside a full range of move in the joints. Kicks are dynamic movements.

Dynamic stretches for kickers are unproblematic leg raises in all directions. First develop the ability to move your limbs with moderate speed inside a total range of motion in the joints. You should start at a lower extension (elevation) to avoid injury from any sudden wrinkle of quickly stretched muscles. Do non "throw" your limbs; rather, "lead" or "lift" them, controlling the movement along the entire range. And then, later you lot have reached most your full range of move, you lot tin can increase the velocity of the limb so the last few inches of its trajectory will exist less controlled but the stretch will non exist sudden. Do leg raises to the front, dorsum, and sides. Make 12 repetitions in every set and exercise every bit many sets every bit you need to experience you take reached your electric current limit of flexibility.

Raises.jpg (10548 bytes)

a) Leg raise to the front; b) Leg raise to the dorsum;
c) Leg raise to the side

If you rely on loftier kicks as your combat techniques and want to do them anytime without warm-up, yous should practice dynamic stretches twice a solar day. Research has shown the effectiveness of dynamic stretching twice every day (Matveev 1977). First spend a few minutes in the morn (before having your breakfast) on the dynamic stretching of your legs and and so later during the day do dynamic stretches again. On days y'all have your workout, practice these dynamic stretches in the warm-upwards before boot. Starting slowly, yous should gradually raise the legs higher, and so you should increase the speed of your movements. Doing the actual combat kicks in this morning stretch is not necessary to exist able to do them later in the twenty-four hour period without a warm-up.

Co-ordinate to Matveev (1977), viii to ten weeks is sufficient fourth dimension to develop maximal dynamic flexibility.

Yes, you can take great dynamic flexibility in a matter of a few weeks and then display it fifty-fifty without a warm-up. All information technology takes is the correct stretching method. Spending several months on developing your flexibility and not being able to employ information technology without a warm-up indicates either that the stretching method yous apply is incorrect, you are chronically drawn, or both.

In that location are several explanations for failing to brand progress and existence drawn:

1) Wrong methods of teaching skills, which may effect in likewise many repetitions of a given exercise and chronic local fatigue.

ii) Training loads that are likewise neat and not enough residuum. If you begin your workout withal fatigued or even sore after the previous i, you are asking for an injury, or at least you hamper your further progress.

iii) The wrong sequence of efforts. If y'all use the wrong sequence of efforts (exercises) in a workout or in a fix of consecutive workouts, it may double or triple your recovery time (Kurtz 1994, p. 64).

At present, how about all those static stretches—splits, for example—and so many people try to do earlier kick?

Don't! Never do static stretches before dynamic stretches, kick, or any other dynamic movements. For several seconds or even minutes post-obit whatever type of static stretch, you cannot display your top agility or maximal speed because your muscles are less responsive to stimulation—your coordination is off. Static stretches reduce the force product of the stretched muscles. This was shown by subjecting calf muscles to several thirty-second stretches and measuring their force afterward (Rosenbaum and Hennig 1995). Maximal strength production is impaired for several minutes after strenuous static stretching (Kokkonen, Nelson, and Cornwell 1998). If you attempt to make a fast, dynamic motion immediately later a static stretch, y'all may injure the stretched musculus. I explicate these and other reasons in Stretching Scientifically (Kurtz 1994).

In choosing stretches, you should examine your needs and the requirements of your activity. For example, if you are a kicker, you need mostly a dynamic flexibility of hips. To increase your range of motility, y'all need to do dynamic leg raises in all directions.

The principle of specificity states: Flexibility is specific to the speed of move. Flexibility is also position specific, so static exercises or stretches similar splits are non very useful if y'all want to kick college (a brandish of dynamic flexibility). According to Logan and McKinney (1970) the principle of specific adaptation to imposed demands in the case of flexibility means that eventually, either at the end of the first set of dynamic stretches or in other sets, you should stretch at a velocity non less than 75% of the maximal velocity used in your actual skill, a kicking, for example.

A common sight in training halls, gyms, dojang, or dojo, is someone standing and holding up the leg. Such standing, while requiring and developing static rest and static strength, is not developing dynamic flexibility nor dynamic strength. It is developing a static agile flexibility required from gymnasts just not something that kickers demand. Such leg holding requires a strong tension of the muscles on 1 side of the trunk when the lower back is twisted to this side and pulled forward by the psoas muscle on the same side. This, if done past someone with insufficient lower back forcefulness or any back trouble, can lead to lower dorsum strain or intervertebral disc inflammation.

Equally far as strength is concerned, the specific forcefulness for a kicker is the strength that lets one pack a wallop in a kick, not to hold up a leg! Specific forcefulness for kicking is developed past kicking a heavy pocketbook, kicking into layers of sponge, kicking with bungee cords attached to legs and doing other dynamic exercises similar to kicking. Strength, just like flexibility, is specific to the speed of movement, its angle, and range of motion. This is explained by McArdle, Katch, and Katch (1991). You cannot learn dynamic skills well by using static exercises, and vice versa.

There is more to throwing high kicks without any warm-upwardly than the correct type of stretching. In the adjacent column y'all will learn the "picayune" details of boot techniques that let yous kick high and with power without a warm-up.

Read the side by side installment of this column hither.


Kokkonen, J., Nelson, A. K., and A. Cornwell. 1998. Acute muscle stretching inhibits maximal forcefulness performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport vol 69, no 4, pp. 411-415

Kurtz, T. 1994. Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Grooming. Island Pond, VT: Stadion Publishing Co. Inc.

Logan, K. A. and W. C. McKinney. 1970 Kinesiology. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Chocolate-brown Company Publishers.

Matveev, L. P. 1977. Osnovy sportivnoy trenirovki . Moskva: Fizkultura i Sport.

McArdle, Westward. D., Katch, F. I., and Five. L. Katch. 1991. Do Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Functioning. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger.

Rosenbaum, D. and E. M. Hennig. 1995. The influence of stretching and warm-upward exercises on Achilles tendon reflex action. Journal of Sport Sciences vol 13, no 6, pp 481-490.

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